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When do Wristbands ship?

Wristbands typically ship in late May / early June. Shipping is split over multiple weeks. If you selected to have your Wristbands shipped to you, please be patient.
Be sure to log in to your Electric Forest FanAccount before May 1 to confirm your shipping information is accurate. If you placed multiple orders, you will need to review your shipping address on each order.
Orders unable to be delivered for any reason are unable to be re-shipped. The original purchaser will need to bring Photo ID and AXS order confirmation to Will Call to pick up their order. Replacement fees may apply.
You will receive a shipping confirmation when your order is processed and your Wristbands will take 7-10 business days to arrive.
Shipping times may vary regardless of when orders were placed, and where they are being shipped. If a friend receives their shipping confirmation before you it does not indicate that you have been missed.

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