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Can I leave and re-enter or drive my car in the campgrounds?

For the safety of all patrons, exiting and re-entering The Campgrounds during the festival is not allowed, but HQ understands that emergencies (like needing a prescription filled for example) do happen, so exceptions can be made. If, for a medical or emergency situation you need to leave with your vehicle and want to re-enter, you can do so between 8 AM and 8 PM Eastern. You will need to check out at the Car Toll Booth that so your vehicle pass will be allowed to re-enter. There is no re-entry between 8 PM and 8 AM Eastern. If you are exiting the campgrounds or any of the parking lots,  please remain alert to your surroundings and drive slowly, giving your Forest Family on foot the right-of-way

If you must exit, it may not be possible while Forest Family are arriving - once on site, plan to stay on site until at least Thursday evening. Those wishing to exit and re-enter will be required to scan a Wristband both in and out to do so, and all vehicles will be subject to re-inspection upon re-entry.

For those who may have left some supplies at home, run out of a key cooking ingredient or hygiene product, need to top the cooler and more - please visit the General Store on-site, or for the more rare item, take the complimentary shuttle to Wal Mart which runs regularly and is free of charge.

If you are staying off-site during the event and plan to leave each night you will want use the Day Parking Lot. Day Parking closes one hour after music ends and any vehicles parked after this time will be towed at the owners expense. Inform Parking Staff of your intentions when you arrive and they will point you in the right direction.

Driving your car within The Campgrounds is prohibited. Every road is a walkway for Forest Family. It is disrespectful and can be dangerous to force your car through their yard and path.

Do not drive to the showers, or try to drive to the venue entrance. Plan to walk or take a shuttle.

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